What should we wear?

Whatever the weather I suggest long-sleeved tops and trousers/leggings to protect from brambles, nettles, scratches and ticks. Sturdy boots/trainers/wellies are also a must all year round.

In summer the woodland areas are shady but you may want to bring a hat and suncream for when out in the open grassed areas.

In winter layers are the key to keeping warm - vest, long sleeved t-shirt, jumper, fleece, tights, jogging bottoms, waterproofs (either all-in-one or separates), thick socks, gloves or mittens (or both!) and a hat.

A tip for if your little person likes to get muddy... bring one of those big blue ikea bags and at the end of the session before you get in the car, on the bus or go in the house ask them to stand in the bag and remove all their outer clothing straight into the bag. You can then transport this easily home or to the washing machine!