
Twiglets outdoor playgroup sessions are for children up to the age of 5 and their parents/carers. The sessions are most suitable for children who are confident walkers but non-walking/baby siblings are welcome too. There is an area that babies can sit or lie on and some enjoy the hammock as well! In colder months we have a tepee tent with blankets and hot water bottles.

The sessions are very relaxed and informal. There is no pressure to be there for the start time as when you arrive it is free-flow and child-led with a variety of activities dotted around the site. Typically there will be a couple of crafts and/or seasonal related activities, mud kitchen, binoculars and bug hunting equipment, hammock, swing and diggers. At the end of the session there will be a short story and song time but there is no obligation to join in!

There are also hand washing facilities and free snacks and drinks provided - we have a great selection of juices, teas, coffee, hot chocolate, fruit and biscuits!

Currently sessions run once a month on Monday mornings 10-11.30am in Cowcliffe. See for more details and dates.